DeDup Services:

1) Example application

description: Example application that displays documents whose fields are similar/equal to those used as input.

path: http://<host>:<port>/DeDup/services

2) Show Schemas

description: Show all available schemas in this service.

path: http://<host>:<port>/DeDup/services/schemas

method: GET

consumes: <none>

produces: application/json

parameters: <none>

3) Show Indexes

description: Show all available index names in this service

path: http://<host>:<port>/DeDup/services/indexes

method: GET

consumes: <none>

produces: application/json

parameters: <none>

4) Show One Schema

description: Show all schema elements.

path: http://<host>:<port>/DeDup/services/schema/<schema>

method: GET

consumes: <none>

produces: application/json

parameters: <schema> - the schema name as listed in 'Show Schemas'

5) Duplicates (GET)

description: Show all duplicated or very similar documents. GET version.

path: http://<host>:<port>/DeDup/services/get/duplicates

method: GET


produces: application/json

<database> - index name. See 'Show Indexes'. Repetitive parameter.
<schema> - schema name. See 'Show Schemas'.
<quantity> - number of similar/equal douments to be showed.
<param1> - document field 1 as defined in schema. See 'Show One Schema'.
<param2> - document field 2 as defined in schema. See 'Show One Schema'.
<paramN> - document field N as defined in schema. See 'Show One Schema'.

6) Duplicates (POST)

description: Show all duplicated or very similar documents. POST version.

path: http://<host>:<port>/DeDup/services/duplicates

method: POST

consumes: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

produces: application/json

<database> - index name. See 'Show Indexes'. Repetitive parameter.
<schema> - schema name. See 'Show Schemas'.
<quantity> - number of similar/equal documents to be showed. Post param
<param1> - document field 1 as defined in schema. See 'Show One Schema'. Post param
<param2> - document field 2 as defined in schema. See 'Show One Schema'. Post param
<paramN> - document field N as defined in schema. See 'Show One Schema'. Post param

7) Put Document(s)

description: Add a document into one or more database indexes

path: http://<host>:<port>/DeDup/services/put/<database>/<schema>/<id>

method: POST

consumes: application/json

produces: application/json

<database> - index name. See 'Show Indexes'. Repetitive parameter.
<schema> - schema name. See 'Show Schemas'.
<id> - document id.

8) Delete Document(s)

description: Delete one or more documents from one or more database indexes

path: http://<host>:<port>/DeDup/services/delete/<database>/<id>

method: GET

consumes: application/json

produces: application/json

<database> - index name. See 'Show Indexes'. Repetitive parameter.
<id> - document id. If the id is followed by '*', then more than one document could be deleted